Since the Linux operating system is based almost entirely on terminal commands, it is imperative that you create some basic aliases to make your life a bit easier. One way of doing this is to just issue the command, “alias=command.” The problem with this method is that it only keeps the alias until the system is logged off, then you have to enter it all over again. The solution? Enter the alias in the .bashrc file. This simple tutorial will explain to you how to do this. Step one: Log into Linux and open a terminal. Step two: In the terminal, type “leafpad .bashrc”. Step three: Hit Enter. A text file (.bashrc) should open in the leafpad text editor. Scroll down until you reach a line filled with #alias examples. Step four: Place your select cursor at the end of the last #alias example and hit enter, making a new line. See photo below. Step five: Type the alias in the specified above location using the following format: alias [shortcut...