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Showing posts from January, 2014

How To Make A Permanent Alias In Kali Linux

     Since the Linux operating system is based almost entirely on terminal commands, it is imperative that you create some basic aliases to make your life a bit easier. One way of doing this is to just issue the command, “alias=command.” The problem with this method is that it only keeps the alias until the system is logged off, then you have to enter it all over again.     The solution? Enter the alias in the .bashrc file. This simple tutorial will explain to you how to do this. Step one: Log into Linux and open a terminal. Step two: In the terminal, type “leafpad .bashrc”. Step three: Hit Enter. A text file (.bashrc) should open in the leafpad text editor. Scroll down until you reach a line filled with #alias examples. Step four: Place your select cursor at the end of the last #alias example and hit enter, making a new line. See photo below. Step five: Type the alias in the specified above location using the following format: alias [shortcut...

Cara Mengupload Shell di Wordpress

Cara Mengupload Shell di Wordpress  - WordPress adalah sebuah aplikasi sumber terbuka (open source) yang sangat populer digunakan sebagai mesin blog (blog engine). WordPress dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan basis data (database) MySQL. PHP dan MySQL, keduanya merupakan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka (open source software). Selain sebagai blog, WordPress juga mulai digunakan sebagai sebuah CMS (Content Management System) karena kemampuannya untuk dimodifikasi dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penggunanya. Sementara Backdoor atau "pintu belakang", dalam keamanan sistem komputer, merujuk kepada mekanisme yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses sistem, aplikasi, atau jaringan, selain dari mekanisme yang umum digunakan (melalui proses logon atau proses autentikasi lainnya).  ( Dikutip dari Wikipedia.Org ) Baca Juga: Deface dengan Config Cara Mengupload Shell ( Backdoor ) di Wordpress: 1. Login ke Dashboard Wordpress Gambar 1: Dashboard Wordpress 2. Klik Appearance G...

How To Install Kali Linux In VMware Player

This tutorial will walk you through the difficult process of installing Kali Linux in VMware Player , a free virtual machine manager that can be downloaded from . This tutorial assumes that you have some basic knowledge of your computer (amount of RAM, number of processors, x32 or x64 architecture, etc.) and that you’re using VMware Player as a virtual machine manager, not VMware Workstation or other software. Step One: First we need to download Kali from . If you have a 64-bit capable computer (like me), then you probably will want the 64-bit version of Kali for performance and compatibility reasons. Select the 64-bit version ONLY if you have a 64-bit computer . If you don’t have a 64-bit capable computer, or if you aren’t sure, then get the 32-bit version, as it will work on both architectures. Step Two: You can either direct download Kali through the browser’s download manager by clicking on ISO , or you can torrent it by clickin...