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Showing posts from October, 2015

Download Avast! Premier 2015 Dan Cara Aktivasi Gratis!

GoBlog-X™ - Siapa yang tidak kenal antivirus yang satu ini, ya Avast! memang menjadi pilihan nomor satu di indonesia. Selain fiturnya yang sangat canggih, Avast! juga hadir dalam versi gratis/trial. Tapi disini GoBlog-X™ tidak membahas tentang spesifikasi software ini, melainkan GoBlog-X™ kini akan membagikan sedikit trik untuk menjahili software yang satu ini. Jika sobat bertanya apakah software ini gratis? tentu saja tidak, lalu untuk apa trik ini? nah itu dia gunanya trik ini, disini GoBlog-X™ akan membagikan cara usil untuk membuat software berbayar ini menjadi gratis untuk selamanya. Penasaran, dan mau tau bagaimana caranya? langsung saja simak dan ikuti secara teliti langkah-langkah berikut: PENTING!!! 1. Ikuti Langkah Demi Langkah Dengan Teliti, Karena Ini Akan Bergantung Pada Keberhasilan Trik Ini. 2. Jangan Pernah Mengupgrade Software Ini Jika Sobat Diminta Untuk Mengupgradenya Oleh Avast! Download Avast! Premier 2015 Dan Cara Aktivasi Gratis!  |  KumpulBagi ...

Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 7

Cara mempercepat kinerja windows 7 – Memiliki komputer dengan kinerja yang cepat merupakan idaman setiap user, karena kita tidak akan dibuat kesal olehnya. Setiap proses dilakukan dengan cepat tanpa harus menunggu lama. Namun coba bayangkan jika komputer anda lemot, untuk membuka aplikasi saja lamanya minta ampun padahal spesifikasi komputer terbilang cukup atau melebihi standar. Sudah tentu

Cara Membuka Task Manager Yang Terkunci Oleh Virus

Cara membuka task manager yang terkunci oleh virus – Task manager adalah fitur bawaan windows yang sangat bermanfaat untuk melakukan perintah-perintah tertentu seperti mematikan program secara paksa, mematikan process yang sedang berjalan, mengetahui performance komputer tentang memory usage & PF usage. Namun bagaimana bila ternyata task manager ini tidak dapat terbuka? tentu sangat

MegaEngine Admin Bypass Login

############################## ########################### # Exploit Title: [ MegaEngine Admin  Bypass Login ] ############################## ########################## # Google Dork: [intext:MegaEngine 1.0 or intext:MegaEngine 2.0 ] # Date: [11/10/2015] # Exploit Author: [Mujahidin Cyber Army] # Vendor Homepage: [ ] # Software Link: [-] # Version: [ Version 1.0 and 2.0 ) # Tested on: [Win 8.1/Kali] # CVE : [-] ============================== ========================= DISCRIPTION ============================== ========================= O Muslim hackers .... open your eyes ...! What you do not see syria? Muslim syria killed every day by Bashar Assad and his coalition !! what you think of Muslim Palestinians who need to be helped? no ..!!in fact all Muslims are brothers !! syria Muslim and Palestinian Muslims are the same. and every Muslim for another Muslim is brothers .. Join Us  #OpSaveSyiria #OpRussia #OpVietnam #OpAmerica ######################...

Tam Nguyen Media Admin Bypass Login

############################## ########################### # Exploit Title: [ Tam Nguyen Media Admin Bypass Login ] ############################## ########################## # Google Dork: [-] # Date: [10/10/2015] # Exploit Author: [Mujahidin Cyber Army] # Vendor Homepage: [] # Software Link: [-] # Version: [app version] (REQUIRED) # Tested on: [Win 8.1/Kali] # CVE : [-] ======================================================= DISCRIPTION ======================================================= O Muslim hackers .... open your eyes ... ! What you do not see syria ? Muslim syria killed every day by Bashar Assad and his coalition !! what you think of Muslim Palestinians who need to be helped ? no ..!! in fact all Muslims are brothers !! syria Muslim and Palestinian Muslims are the same . and every Muslim for another Muslim is brothers .. Join Us   #OpSaveSyiria #OpRussia #OpVietnam #OpAmerica ############################## #...

DHCP Starvation (DOS Attack - Penetration Testing) - Example Demonstration with Kali

DHCP Starvation is an attack that works by broadcasting vast numbers of DHCP requests with spoofed MAC addresses simultaneously. I had showed my topology in the above snap, As you can see I have a router that acts as the DHCP server and a Kali linux 2.0 machine which is connected to the same network. The same steps can be followed to hack a Windows or a Linux DHCP server also. This is how my router's DHCP binding looks before the attempt, Router (Before Attack) R1#sh ip dhcp binding Bindings from all pools not associated with VRF: IP address Client-ID/ Lease expiration Type Hardware address/ User name R1# I used yersinia tool to perform the attack, this yersinia comes in built to your Kali operating system. Open terminal, type ' yersinia -G ' and press enter. Click on 'Launch Attack'. Select the tab 'DHCP' and check the second box 'sending DISCOVER packet' and press OK. Within secon...

Kali 2.0 Post Installation Tips | Kali - GNS3 - Xming | Virtual Ethical hacking Setup

Last month I had posted how to install kali  on Vmware workstation, this will be the third post in my Kali linux tutorial series. Here in this post, I will be discussing the recommended post installation tips. Below are the few tips which will be covered in this post, Installing Vmware tools on Kali 2.0 To install Vmware tools, open terminal and paste below commands one by one, make sure that you have internet connection. apt-get update apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) apt-get install open-vm-toolbox Once you have executed the above commands, reboot your kali machine. Resolving apt-get repository issues If for some reason you chose “no” when asked “use a network mirror” during your Kali installation, you may be missing some entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. If that's the case, Add below 4 lines to your sources.list file, deb sana main non-free contrib deb sana/updates main contrib non-free deb-sr...

Cara Mengembalikan File Yang Terhapus / Hilang di Flashdisk

Cara mengembalikan file yang terhapus / hilang di flashdisk – Memang virus sangat menyebalkan membuat komputer atau data / file yang ada menjadi hilang dan merusak kinerja komputer itu sendiri. Terlebih jika file / data penting kita tiba tiba hilang, jangan panik kali ini saya akan membahas cara mengembalikan file yang terhapus / hilang di flashdisk, memory SD card, komputer bahkan di Hp

Ethical Hacking - Cisco HSRP with Kali linux - Example Demonstration and Security precautions

The Hot Swappable Router Protocol (HSRP) is a way to build redundancy into your network by allowing two or more routers to continuously test each other for connectivity, and take over if a router fails.As multiple routers can participate in the HSRP group, there has to be an election to determine who's the primary router. This HSRP election is based on a priority value (0 to 255) that is configured on each router in the group. By default, the priority is 100. The router with the highest priority value (255 is highest) becomes the active router for the group. If all router priorities are equal or set to the default value, the router with the highest IP address on the HSRP interface becomes the active router. In this post, we are going to make our Kali machine a HSRP participant and to become the active router by setting the highest priority to it. Yersinia tool (in built in Kali) helps us to perform this test with ease. For more information on HSRP, please refer  RFC 2281 Yersinia Y...

Innovins Admin Bypass Login

############################## ########################### # Exploit Title: [ Innovins Admin Bypass Login ] ############################## ########################## # Google Dork: [intext:Developed by - Innovins] # Date: [04/10/2015] # Exploit Author: [Mujahidin Cyber Army] # Vendor Homepage: [-] # Software Link: [-] # Version: [app version] (REQUIRED) # Tested on: [Win 8.1/Kali] # CVE : [-] ############################## ##########################  # Demo: admin/ ############################## ############################ # Thanks to : Allah | Rosulullah | Tandhim Al-Qaeda | Thaliban | Jabhah Nushroh # | United Islamic Cyber Force | Muslim Corporation Cyber | We Are Mujahidin Cyber Army # Mujahidin Cyber Army : | Izza009 | xGame1945 | MrBz Elfatir | El-Muhajimi |[!] Jihad797 [!] | 1D10T ############################## ############################## ############################## ##############

Tutorial Deface Joomla dengan BruteForce Attack menggunakan tool Hmei7

Hallo Fans,  Nuenomaru disini .-. maaf baru bisa posting/share artikel tutorial lagi lg sibuk urus masadepan *asiikk wkwkwk >.< btw ini tutorial/artikel pertama kami di bulan Oktober :* untuk artikel hari ini saya akan share salah satu bug/celah web berCMS JOOMBLO , EH JOOMLA DEH WKWKWKW.. Sebenernya Teknik BruteForce ini banyak tool yang menyediakannya. gak cuma CMS Joomla doang kok yang bisa di BruteForce, tpi CMS Wordpress juga bisa ^^ dan dalam artikel ini kita akan gunakan tool buatan Hacker Legend asal Indo yaitu Hmei7 >3< Langsung INTIP TUTORIAL Nya Mz :v YOO , gunakan Imajinasi kalian, yang suka maen tebak2an :v atau yg berimajinasi tinggi *kang nonton bokep .. pasti Crotz nih 1. Dork inurl:"/templates/beez5/" intitle:Index of /administrator/ atauu cari web yang berbasis CMS Joomla  (sisanya kembangin dewek dorknya :3 ) 2. Brute v.2 | download di sini Drive Google TKJ Cyber Art 4Shared 3. Wordlist (utk passwordnya, kalo username kan biasanya Joomla it...