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Showing posts from July, 2013

Cara Earn Token Top Eleven

Cara Earn Token Top Eleven - Hari ini saya akan mengajarkan anda bagaimana cara earn token Top Eleven. Top Eleven adalah game Football Manager online yang menurut saya paling laku sampai saat ini. Dalam permainan Top Eleven token adalah hal terpenting yang harus anda miliki. Karena, dengan token anda bisa membeli pemain bintang dan juga bisa membeli Jersey dan Emblem Official yang harganya sangat mahal. Inilah step by step untuk Earn Token Top Eleven: 1. Hal pertama kali yang harus anda lakukan adalah mengganti proxy/ip. Menurut om Wikipedia , Protokol Internet (Inggris Internet Protocol disingkat IP) adalah protokol lapisan jaringan (network layer dalam OSI Reference Model) atau protokol lapisan internetwork (internetwork layer dalam DARPA Reference Model) yang digunakan oleh protokol TCP/IP untuk melakukan pengalamatan dan routing paket data antar host-host di jaringan komputer berbasis TCP/IP. Mengapa Harus Mengganti IP? Karena jika kita menggunakan alamat IP indonesia maka ear...

Cloudstack CPU Masking and Heterogeneous Clustering

This article explains about CPU Masking in Cloudstack. Also I deal with Heterogeneous Clustering in Cloudstack Xen (XCP) hypervisor platforms.  Before We Begin: In Cloudstack we have Cluster in which all the Hosts which are added should be of same Configuration, but if we need to add different Hosts to Same Cluster (Heterogeneous cluster) then we need to mask the CPU of different host to a common one. Why should I Mask CPUs? In order to achieve Heterogeneous clustering, we should be having all the hosts with same CPU Mask. The following steps will guide you to configure CPU Masking and do Heterogeneous clustering to Cloudstack. Homogeneous is so simple which does not even involve CPU Masking. :d In Cloudstack we can mask the CPU of different hosts to a common mask, to do that we need to know the CPU features of each host which will be added to the cluster. Login into host and execute xe host-cpu-info to check the CPU features of the particular post before masking. ( The Below image...

Adding a LUN using LVM over HBA in Xen Server and Cloudstack as Primary Storage

This tech blog helps you to configure primary storage in Cloudstack and Xen Cloud Platforms (XCP). I had a Dell Power Edge server which was connected to IBM 3500 Storage Box via a Cisco Fabric Switch 9124. I guess almost every organization has this kind of small Storage Area Network with servers and storage boxes connected. Okay, let us move on to the configuration settings. Before we Proceed: Server's HBA port is connected to a Fabric switch via fibre channel. A Storage box also connected to the same switch. Make sure that your logical volume created in Storage box is visible to our server. I believe that you have a little idea on Storage and Cloud architectures. Configuration Settings: 1) To check the HBA port detection in xen host: #lspci Sample Output: 02:00.0 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2432-based 4Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 03) 02:00.1 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2432-based 4Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 03) 2) To check whether driver is install...

Redistribution configuration with example - EIGRP and OSPF

This post explains the re-distributional behaviors of OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols. I believe that you already have a little knowledge about both of those protocols. What is Redistribution? Route Redistribution allows routes from one routing protocol to be advertised into another routing protocol. The routing protocol receiving these redistributed routes usually marks the routes as external. External routes are usually less preferred than locally-originated routes. At least one redistribution point needs to exist between the two routing domains. This device will actually run both routing protocols. Thus, to perform redistribution in the following example, R2 would require at least one interface in both the EIGRP and OSPF Routing domains. It is possible to redistribute from one routing protocol to the same routing protocol, such as between two separate OSPF domains (distinguished by unique process ID’s ). Static routes and connected interfaces can be redistributed into a routin...

Step by Step XCP NIC Teaming / Bonding Configuration

NIC Teaming/Bonding helps us to have a grouped link of multiple physical Network Interface Cards. In Xen Cloud Platform we have multiple ways to achieve NIC Bonding. Again each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. This document helps to understand the available option in NIC bonding in Xen Server version 6. The Following are some guidelines to implement NIC Teaming in Xen Cloud Platform. Advantages of NIC Bonding Achieving more speed by grouping multiple physical resources Failover with load balancing Balancing traffic according to their functionalities, For example Storage traffic can be mapped to NIC x, so that all storage traffic go through only that port. Types of Interfaces Primary management interfaces. You can bond a primary management interface to another NIC so that the second NIC provides failover for management traffic. However, NIC bonding does not provide load balancing for management traffic. NICs (non-management). You can bond NICs XenServer is using solely f...

Tips dan Trick Top Eleven Be A Football Manager (Part 2)

Tips And Trick Top Eleven Part 2 - Kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara agar mendapatkan pemain bagus di Top Eleven Be A Football Manager dengan token yang minim, yang sebelumnya membahas cara memilih kapten, Pengambil tendangan bebas, Pengambil tendangan pinalti dan pengambil tendangan pojok di top eleven be a football manager. Bagi seorang Manager yang mempunyai token yang banyak, membeli pemain bukanlah hal yang sulit dilakukan. Tetapi kadangkala kita tidak mempunyai banyak token sehingga kita sulit untuk mendapatkan pemain bagus. Tips Membeli Pemain dengan Token yang minim: 1. Usahakan anda tidak membeli pemain muda yang mempunyai keahlian khusus. 2. Belilah pemain yang anda butuhkan (bukan karena ingin) Trick Membeli Pemain dengan Token yang minim: 1. Tekan lah tombol Bid / Tawar pada Detik 1 / 1.5 detik (khusus untuk koneksi internet cepat) 2. Trick Add Friend: > Usahakan kita Memimpin pada round itu dan posisi sudah aman untuk round berikutnya, sedangkan lawan masih me...

7 Tips menjaga akun facebook dari Hacker

  Tips menjaga akun Facebook dari Hacker -mencegah adalah hal utama yang harus anda lakukan agar akun Facebook anda tidak kena hack. seseorang yang biasa mengambil informasi dalam dunia maya secara diam-diam disebut hacker. Untuk mempunyai akun facebook yang aman, anda haru mengikuti tips-tips sebagai berikut: 1. Jangan pernah memberikan kata sandi akun facebook anda ke teman anda atau orang yang tidak dikenal. 2. Buatlah kata sandi yang menggabungkan antara huruf dengan angka. 3. Jangan pernah menyimpan password facebook anda di komputer umum. 4. Pastikan alamat login facebook anda / / bukan yang lain. 5. Jangan pernah mengklik link, yang tidak anda percayai kebenarannya. 6. Tambahkan akun email tambahan ke dalam akun facebook anda. (min: 2) 7. Pastikan anda hanya mengkonfirmasi orang yang anda kenal. copyright  ©  2013 Scupe.Id