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Ports Used by CloudStack and its entities - Troubleshooting Cloudstack and Xen server issues

CloudStack is an open source cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services. It uses existing hypervisors such as KVM, VMware vSphere, and XenServer/XCP for virtualization. 

What is Cloudstack and who uses it ?

It is a revolutionary application stack that allows us to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. CloudStack is used by a number of service providers to offer public cloud services, and by many companies to provide an on-premises (private) cloud offering, or as part of a hybrid cloud solution.

While working on this fantastic tool, I had encountered many issues & finding out port details and services associated with those ports really helped me a lot to resolve 90% of those issues.

I just though of sharing some of those important port numbers for my viewers so that they can get benefited from my experience.  

Management Server

Following are the Ports which are used by cloudstack in Cloud Management server 
8080: Primary GUI / Authentication API Port 
8096: User/Client to CloudStack Management Server (unauthenticated) 
8787: CloudStack (Tomcat) debug socket 
9090: Cloudstack Management Cluster Interface 
45219: !MX console 
8080: Primary GUI / Authentication API Port 
8096: User/Client to CloudStack Management Server (unauthenticated) 
8787: CloudStack (Tomcat) debug socket 
9090: Cloudstack Management Cluster Interface 45219: AIX console 

SystemVM Agent Communication 

Following ports must be open in cloudstack management server for agent communication 3922: Secure System secure communication port 
8250: SystemVM to Management unsecure communication port 


Server Following ports must be open in Mysql server of Cloudstack 
3306: MySQL Server 


Following ports must be open in Hypervisors used in Cloudstack 
22/443: XenServer, XAPI 
22: KVM 
443: vCenter 

External Ports 

Other External ports 
53: DNS 
111/2049: NFS communication for Secondary Storage VM 
860/3260: iSCSI communication port for iSCSI software connector 
7080: AWS API server 

Most of the times, restating the services associated with these port numbers would resolve some big issues. It may also help you to develop other kind of apps that would run on Apache cloudstack platform.

Let me know through comment section if you found these information useful!


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