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The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014

The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014

The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014 - Did you know the best antivirus software on 2014. Below the good antivirus review

1. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus
Best antivirus and antispyware defense. Extremely fast. Non-intrusive. With Bitdefender Photon. Guards your online transactions. Protects your digital identity. No popups. No configurations. Experience Bitdefender Autopilot.

2. Kaspersky Antivirus
Kaspersky Antivirus

The features by Kaspersky :
  • Protects against all viruses
  • Detects new, emerging and unknown threats
  • Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites
  • Prevents malware from exploiting vulnerabilities in your PC
  • Automatic download and installation features – save you time and effort
3. Norton by Symantec
Norton Antivirus
There are 5 original layers of security that work ceaselessly to efficiently block cyber-threats and scan ,detect and clear any kind of malicious threats prior to their attacking your computer to do harm and thus gives you protection. Its speed of scanning is blazing and it take not much space from your pcs memory so it is conducive to your pcs performance.

4. F Secure Antivirus
F Secure Antivirus
F-Secure Antivirus 2014 has shown impressive results in the Windows 7 tests conducted by a leading test lab AV-Test. If you are using Windows 7, its made be so good by protection og F-Secure Antivirus. Because in the that system, are having some feture for optimaizer of Windows Operating system

5. G Data Antivirus
G Data Antivirus
The famous German antivirus, is another newcomer to our comparison grid. His two antivirus engines, BitDefender and avast !, ensure a record number of detections. With this Antivirus, your comouter will be safe from mallware, spyware, and virus.

6. Bullguard Antivirus
Bullguard Antivirus
BullGuard Antivirus 2014 has a good performance in the review of antivirus and tests and has been shown to be effective in detecting and removing malware threats. This has been well proven in independent tests other but there are several others who have scored a little better.

7. AVG Antivirus
AVG Antivirus
The uniqueness of the other antivirus is AVG LinkScanner. To LinkScanner scans links are links while browsing in cyberspace. Link Scanner works well with Mozilla Firefox browser and Internet Explorer. In addition, the advantages of the availability of AVG is Anti-Rootkit feature. AVG most will just download quarantine detected viruses, unlike other antivirus which can remove the current detection. AVG is strong on detection, but often judged slow in scanning. But AVG already has a full feature about security. So AVG assessed the protection system in complete and sophisticated.

8. Avast Antivirus
Avast Antivirus
Avast! is one of the best free antivirus, especially Avast! Free Antivirus 8 offers Web Reputation and other features in addition to the usual antivirus. Avast Antivirus are have some feature for Windows, and if you are using this Antivirus, your computer will more better than other Antivirus. You can test it.

9. Avira Antivirus
Avira Antivirus
The advantages of avira include guardnya is a reliable system that gives a chance to the maximum if it is if there is a virus that will access the important files in the operating system will hold / block the process which then led to a warning notification in the form of a virus that will attack and provide choice details / delete ... another advantage to avira 2012 version has added a web service if the guard is open a web address will filter / scanning incoming files to a temporary web history and also files that are downloaded from a file will be scanned.

10. Eset Nod32 Antivirus
Eset Nod32 Antivirus
ESET NOD32 Antivirus is also one of the fastest antivirus solutions, so fast you will not even notice it running. In addition, this application is very simple and you can easily adjust according to your preferences.

Paper 4Share - The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014


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