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CUCM Upgrade Guide - 8.x to 9.1.2 | Recommendations and Best Practices

In my last post, I showed how to install CUCM 8.x on Vmware. After the successful installation of 8.0.2, I planned to migrate my 8.0.2 CUCM to 9.1.2 and recorded the steps involved in the upgradation. This post will help you understand how to Migrate CUCM from version 8.0.2 to 9.1.2. Before we proceed with the migration process, I want you to make record your IPT configurations and CUCM server settings. This might help you to verify the settings after the CUCM upgrade. So, make a note of following information.

• IP addresses, hostnames, gateways, domain names, DNS servers, NTP servers, and SMTP information
• Administrator, cluster security, and Certificate Trust List (CTL) security token passwords
• Server versions and time zones
• All services running on each server and the associated activation status
• Call Detail Record server configuration and any additional information
• LDAP information and access details
• SNMP information

In addition to the above, you must determine the registration counts by using the RTMT or the Unified Communications Manager device count summary. For each node, record the number of each device type that is displayed. For example, record the number of each type of registered IP phone, gateway, and each FXS, FXO, T1CAS, PRI, MOH, MTP, CFB, or XCODE device resource.

CUCM Upgrade Recommendations

If you have Cisco support for your Unified setup, Make sure that you consult with Cisco TAC team before proceeding with the Migration process.

Before migrating your production environment, try to emulate the upgradation setup in a lab to avoid last minute issues.

Perform a Disaster Recovery System (DRS) backup up of your entire cluster before each upgrade. Upgrading without a current backup can result in lost data, lost node configuration, or disruption to services if there are complications during the upgrade process.

Determine if the versions of the devices and applications in use in your organization—such as endpoints, gateways, voicemail, presence, or other applications—are supported by Unified Communications Manager Release 9.1(x), You can refer the below link to know more about the compatible devices.

Pre-Upgradation Procedures

Follow the below steps to reduce the downtime during upgradation process.

To shorten the upgrade time, delete or purge Call Detail Records (CDRs) or log files that you no longer need.

Use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager License Count Utility to generate a license report and save it in CSV format. To download the utility and its documentation, see

Extend the database replication timeout value so that subscriber servers have sufficient time to request replication.

Since we are going to upgrade from 8.0.2 to 9.1.2, this is going to be a Refresh upgrade. Hence installing a COP file becomes mandatory. You can download the COP file from this link,
COP file would be in below format, ciscocm.cup.refresh.upgrade_v<latest_version>.cop

Cisco recommends to upgrade the Publisher first, Also you can register all your IP phones in Subscriber to avoid downtime for IP phones.

CUCM Upgradation Process

Follow the below steps to upgrade from CUCM version 8.x to 9.1.2.

Step 1: Sign in to Cisco Unified OS Administration Page. Click on the Navigation drop down menu and select Cisco Unified OS Administration and login with your credentials.

Step 2: Installing COP file, Remember only Refresh Upgrade (Version 6.0 till 8.5.1 to 9.1.2) requires the installation of COP file. If you are running 8.6 or a higher version (Standard Upgrade), you can skip this step.

To install COP file, Go to Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade

Select Remote Filesystem and enter your FTP or SFTP server details where you have your COP file stored. And click Next.

Select your COP file and click Next.

It gives a Warning message, Select Next to proceed with the installation of COP file.

Once the COP installation is complete, click Install Another to Upload and Install the CUCM 9.1.2.

Step 3: Uploading CUCM, Now again you have to enter your FTP server details just like we did earlier,
In the Options/Upgrades window, Select UCSInstall_UCOS_9.1.2.10000-28.sgn.iso or whichever ISO you have and click Next.

It takes around 15 minutes for the ISO file to be uploaded completely, This may vary depending on your download speed. Once the file is uploaded, you will receive a warning message like below, Click Next to proceed.

Step 4: Installation of CUCM 9.1.2 starts and after sometime you will lose your CUCM web page, This happens since your CUCM reboots during the installation step.

To check the installation progress, check your CUCM console page.

Once the installation is complete, you will receive the CUCM 9.1.2 login screen. Just enter your credentials and login into your CUCM. Perform a verification after Upgradation and if all looks fine, you can register your IP phones back on Publisher if that's your design.

That's all! I hope I have covered all the steps involved in the process. Do let me know through comments, if you have any questions.


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