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Showing posts from August, 2015

Jenis Jenis Software ( Perangakat Lunak )

Jenis jenis software ( perangkat lunak ) yang ada saat ini sangatlah beragam jika dlihat dari lisensinya ada yang gratis, semi gratis dan berbayar. Untuk mengetahui jenis jenis software (perangkat lunak) berdasarkan pada lisensinya yuk kita bahas satu persatu. A. Freeware Freeware adalah jenis software ( perangkat lunak ) komputer yg memiliki lisensi gratis / sengaja dibuat untuk dibagikan

Jenis Jenis Komputer

Jenis jenis komputer terdapat beberapa macam, untuk membedakannya dapat dibagi berdasarkan klasifikasi komputer. Secara umum klasifikasi komputer terbagi dalam 3 kategori yaitu : Klasifikasi komputer berdasarkan Prinsip Operasional (Operasional principle). Klasifikasi komputer berdasarkan Daya Pengolahan (Processing power). Klasifikasi komputer berdasarkan Penggunaan Pribadi (Personal Computer)

Sejarah Perkembangan Komputer Generasi Keempat dan Kelima

Sebelum melanjutkan pembahasan ini bagi yang belum membaca dari awal silahkan baca dulu sejarahperkembangan dan generasi komputer dari generasi kesatu sampai generasi ketiga Sejarah Perkembangan Komputer Generasi Keempat (1979 – 2000an) Setelah IC, tujuan pengembangan menjadi lebih jelas: mengecilkan ukuran sirkuit dan komponen komponen elektrik. Large Scale Integration (LSI) dapat

Sejarah Perkembangan dan Generasi Komputer

Sejarah perkembangan dan generasi komputer dari dulu hingga kini terbagi dalam 5 kali perkembangan atau generasi komputer. Apa saja sejarah perkembangan tersebut mari kita simak penjelasan setiap generasinya perkembangan nya. Dalam pengertian dasarnya komputer adalah menghitung. Sebelum terlahirnya komputer pertama alat hitung yg digunakan adalah sempoa dan kalkulator mekanik, karena ingin

How to Install LibreOffice on All Linux Version

How to Install LibreOffice on All Linux Version - In the last post, Paper 4Share have post an arcticle for install libre office on Kali Linux , based on linux version there are derivatives of Debian, Red Hat, and etc. Now, we will explain simple way for installing LibreOffice on your Linux System. Install LibreOffice on Debian Families (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Backtrack, Kali Linux,  Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Backbox, and etc.). Based on debian families, you are need package installer in (.deb) format. So you must download LibreOffice in (.deb) format. Below step by step for install LibreOffice: 1. Download deb installer LibreOffice. Download .deb installer file here . Choose based on your linux system, Linux x86 (deb) for 32 bit and Linux x64 (deb) for 64 bit. 2. Install That Installer of LibreOffice. Open your terminal, and than change your active directory in directory of .deb file. Install using command below : dpkg -i [nam...

Cara Melihat Spesifikasi Komputer / Laptop

Cara melihat spesifikasi komputer / laptop di windows XP, vista, 7, serta 8 itu sangatlah mudah ada yang menggunakan fitur bawaan dari windows dan menggunakan software untuk melihat spesifikasi komputer. Untuk mengetahui caranya silahkan simak penjelasan dibawah ini, namun sebelum menyimak cara nya baca dulu manfaat melihat spesifikasi komputer.     Manfaat Melihat Spesifikasi Komputer /

Cara Hack Password Facebook Munggunakan BruteForce Kali Linux

Hai Sobat Blogger Sekalian, Pada Postingan Saya Kali Ini Saya Akan Membahas Cara Mencari Password Facebook Menggunakan BruteForce Pada Kali Linux. Cara Ini Cukup Simpel, Tapi Ada Juga Kemungkinan Gagal Karena Password Yg Di Gunakan Mungkin Tidak Tercantum Pada Wordlist :D oke langsung saja Ikuti Caranya :v 1. Download terlebih dahulu script nya disini     Jika belum memiliki wordlist bisa sedot disini     Setelah Di Download Kalian Letakan Kedua File Tersebut Di HOME.     Boleh Juga File aja Jika Sudah Menggerti Cara Menggunakan File Wordlist     Tempat Penyimpanannya ya :D     Buka Terminal anda dan jalankan dengan perintah      python 2. Masukan username atau Id korban     buka target anda     dan ubah dari www menjadi graph     copy username atau id korban   contoh : Dan masukan username atau Id korban di tools yang anda ja...

How to install Regional languages in Windows 10 - Tamil | Hindi

This post will let you know how to install Tamil or any other regional language that you use in your Windows 10 machine. In Windows 7, I was able to view Tamil fonts in Chrome, IE and in other in-built apps. But after upgrading to Windows 10, I could not view these Tamil fonts in any of my apps. I did a little search, found a fix and I am going to share it to my fellow Tamil folks! Before I start, Let me tell you why it's not working in Windows 10. Windows 7 had some pre-installed Tamil fonts like Latha and Vijaya by default. But in Windows 10, these fonts had been moved to a pack called "Supplemental Tamil Fonts" which is marked as a Optional feature. So enabling this optional feature, will help us to get our language back. Follow the below instructions to enable Tamil letters on Windows 10, Click the Start button. Click Settings. In Settings, click Time & language. Click Region & language. All regional fonts to your country will be listed, If Tamil is not includ...

[Fix] Your Installation CD-ROM couldn’t be mounted | Kali Installation Error

Kali linux 2.0 is a Penetration testing Distro from Kali Team. Earlier I had posted two articles on how to install Kali (Sana) using both GUI (Live-CD)  and Traditional  method. But later I tried to install Kali through USB and I received this error during the installation process. "Your Installation CD-ROM couldn’t be mounted. This is probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can insert and try it again." I googled and found that it is a known bug and can be resolve easily. To known more about this bug, check . This post will let you know how to solve this "Detect and Mount CD-ROM" issue. Follow the below given instructions, Unplug your USB from system and Re-insert it Wait for Mount/ Detection (USB LED glow) Click Continue I hope this solves your problem. Enjoy Sana!

CUCM Upgrade Guide - 8.x to 9.1.2 | Recommendations and Best Practices

In my last post, I showed how to install CUCM 8.x  on Vmware. After the successful installation of 8.0.2, I planned to migrate my 8.0.2 CUCM to 9.1.2 and recorded the steps involved in the upgradation. This post will help you understand how to Migrate CUCM from version 8.0.2 to 9.1.2. Before we proceed with the migration process, I want you to make record your IPT configurations and CUCM server settings. This might help you to verify the settings after the CUCM upgrade. So, make a note of following information. • IP addresses, hostnames, gateways, domain names, DNS servers, NTP servers, and SMTP information • Administrator, cluster security, and Certificate Trust List (CTL) security token passwords • Server versions and time zones • All services running on each server and the associated activation status • Call Detail Record server configuration and any additional information • LDAP information and access details • SNMP information In addition to the above, you must determine the r...

Script Deface Simpel Keren

Hai Sobat Blogger, Udah Lama Gak Ngepost Ne :D Hari Ini Saya Mau Bagi-Bagi Script DEFACE Yang Biasa Ane Pke. Scriptnya Simpel, Tapi Tetap Keren Kok. Bagi Kalian Yang Belom Bisa Buat Script Sendiri Silahkan Di Ambil Dan Edit Sesuka Hati. :D :D Tapi Masukin Juga Nick Ane y :v Laskar_404 Penampakan Script Nya : Silahkan Di Download Disini...... Sekian Dulu Untuk Post Hari Ini. Salam Blogger By : Laskar_404 Terima Kasih

Cisco ASA 8.4 on GNS3 - Step By Step Guide

Cisco ASA stands for Adaptive Security Appliance.In brief, It is a security device that combines firewall, antivirus, intrusion prevention, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities. It can be used as a security solution for both small and large networks. This post is applicable for adding any versions of Cisco ASA 8.2,8.3,8.4 on GNS3. Before we begin.,Please make sure that you have below items in your machine. 1.Download & Install GNS3 2.Cisco ASA 8.4 ISO image(valid) or Now Let's assume that, you have installed GNS3 on your machine. Steps to be Followed, Step 1:- Download the ASA image & Extract them. Copy the extracted image & Paste them to GNS3 Images Directory. Ex: C:\Users\<user name>\GNS3\images\ Step 2:-  Open GNS3 --> go to edit---> Preferrence ----> QEMU---> QEMU VMs Step 3:- Click New ---->Select QEMU VM ...