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Showing posts from September, 2014

How to Install or Update Latest Nvidia Drivers in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal/Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric/Linux Mint 13/12

How to Install or Update Latest Nvidia Drivers in Ubuntu -  is the enterprise developer VGA driver. However, the Linux operating system often have difficulty in installing or perform updates. Fortunately there are x-swat team that helps and makes Nvidia drivers can run on Ubuntu. X-swat team will also continue to update drivers Nvidia made ​​them when the company released the latest driver updates. Below is the list on Nvidia Driver : GeForce GT 415M, GeForce GT 425M, GeForce GT 420M, GeForce GT 435M, GeForce GT 630M, GeForce GT 610, GeForce GT 630, GeForce GT 640, GeForce GT 645, GeForce GT 415, GeForce GT 620, GeForce 605, GeForce 610M, GeForce GT 620M, GeForce GT 635M, GeForce GT 640M, GeForce GT 640M LE, GeForce GT 650M GeForce GTX 680, GeForce GTX 460M, GeForce GTX 670, GeForce GTX 660M, GeForce GTX 670M, GeForce GTX 675M, GeForce 8800 GTX, GeForce GTX 555, GeForce GTX 560 SE, GeForce GTX 460 v2, GeForce GTX 680M, GeForce GTX 660 Ti Quadro 2000, Quadro 600, Quadro K1000M, Qua...

6 tips for how to Bypass Limited Access an Internet

How to Bypass Limited Access an Internet - On the every network, usually there are some limited access on website. For example, on the your office, your network are deny if you are accessing Facebook or twitter . The network are configured by adminstrator of network. That problem can be solve if you are using this way. Below is the way for bypass limited access on your network : 1. Using IP Proxy You can get an IP Proxy via the list below : select one of that IP Proxy, and than plug in your Web Browser. 2. Using HideMyAss Addons On the web browser Mozilla Firefox ware developed an addons HideMyAss. With using this addons your web browser automatically was used a proxy. For get that addons visit this adderss 3. Using SSH Tunneling What is SSH Tunneling click here . But if your are using this way, you must having a SSH Account, or you can sea...

Simple How to Find Product Key Your Windows

Simple How to Find Product Key Your Windows - Is your windows has been activated?? Do you know your product key?? What is product key?? Product key is a key which using for activation a windows Operating System. Maybe you are one of people who dont know your product key :D Okay, first open your notepad , copy and paste the script below Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId")) Function ConvertToKey(Key) Const KeyOffset = 52 i = 28 Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" Do Cur = 0 x = 14 Do Cur = Cur * 256 Cur = Key(x + KeyOffset) + Cur Key(x + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) And 255 Cur = Cur Mod 24 x = x -1 Loop While x >= 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput If (((29 - i) Mod 6) = 0) And (i <> -1) Then i = i -1 KeyOutput = "-" & KeyOutput End If Loop While i >= 0 ConvertToKey = KeyOutput End Function And t...

5 Step How to Install LibreOffice on Kali Linux

Below is old tutorial, for new update plase go here [New Update] How to Install LibreOffice on All Linux Version How to Install LibreOffice on Kali Linux - LibreOffice is a software that work like Microsoft Office . LibreOffice can running on all of Linux Operating System Platform, for example is all of debian and derivatives, fedora and derivatives, radhat and other linux family. With using LibreOffice on our computer, linux users can write a document, calc, impress, Math, draw, and base. On the default Kali Linux, the LibreOffice is not available, so Kali Linux users must installed byself. 1. The ways to install LibreOffice on Kali Linux is not much different from the how to install LibreOffice on backtrack . First you must download source of LibreOffice from . And than extract it using command below : tar -xzf LibreOffice*.tar.gz 2. After tar.gz file was extracted, enter on the directory [LibreOffice dir extracted]/DEBS. If the name of director...

How to Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu

How to Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu - If you are web programmer which using Ubuntu (Linux), maybe you will need installing Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin. Apache is a name of Web Server. apache can be interpreted as the compact web server, modular, following the standard HTTP protocol, and popular with many people. MySQL is a database software are free. MySQL have a function as SQL (Structured Query Language) in self and has expanded. And generally used with PHP. PHP is stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", programming language that is widely used for handling the manufacture and development of a website and can be used in conjunction with HTML. PhpMyAdmin  (shortened PMA) is a free software written in the PHP programming language that is used to handle the administration of MySQL over the web. Below step by step to Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu. First, installing apache2 , Open your terminal, and write the command at...

Easy File Locker for Advance Hiding Files or Folders on Windows

Advanced For Hiding Files or Folders on Windows Using Easy File Locker - On the before post, writter has publishing an article about " Simple Ways How to Hide a Files or Folders on Windows ". However, that actually are not effective enough. Because, if any users and they have some knowladge about hidden files on windows, then they will can easily be found the files or folders which hidden Okay, on this article, Paper 4Share will explain how to hiding files or folders with more advance. On the current technology, there is developer which developing a software for hidding files or folders with more better than the last article on this blog about hiding files or folders. By using this software is expected the files or folders are hidden can not be found by users other, and though are be found that files or folders still under protection. There are many software that working for hiding files or folders on Windows Operating Sistem, However on  this article, writter are recommend...

Simple Ways How to Hide a Files or Folders on Windows

Simple Ways How to Hide a Files or Folders on Windows - The files and folders on our laptop or PC, usually we need to hide it for many more a reason. Maybe you want to hide the files which porn content by children? This is a way to hide it. :D On windows linux , we can easy hide the files or folders. Below is the simple way how to hide a files or folders. First, open Windows Explorer select a files or folder which will hidden. And than click right for view an options. And than click on properties . Second, on the Window Properties, choose general tab ,  give a check on hidden option, like below. And than click Apply than OK Third, If you are getting a Window Confirm Attribute Changes like below, just click OK Finish :) , if you are still looking that folder. Open the Window Folder Option via Click windows search, and type " folder options ". The window like below. After it, choose view tab. Than choose " Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives ". Next cl...

The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014

The Best 10 Antivirus Software On 2014 - Did you know the best antivirus software on 2014. Below the good antivirus review 1. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Best antivirus and antispyware defense. Extremely fast. Non-intrusive. With Bitdefender Photon. Guards your online transactions. Protects your digital identity. No popups. No configurations. Experience Bitdefender Autopilot. 2. Kaspersky Antivirus The features by Kaspersky : Protects against all viruses Detects new, emerging and unknown threats Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites Prevents malware from exploiting vulnerabilities in your PC Automatic download and installation features – save you time and effort 3. Norton by Symantec There are 5 original layers of security that work ceaselessly to efficiently block cyber-threats and scan ,detect and clear any kind of malicious threats prior to their attacking your computer to do harm and thus gives you protection. Its speed of scanning is blazing and it take not much spa...

Script Auto Followers Twitter Menggunakan Waktu

  Script : Buat Aplikasi Twitternya Dulu: Kalau Sudah Tinggal Upload Scriptnya Di cPanel (Controll Panel) Agan   

Trik Mendapatkan STELLAR Gratis Terbaru

1.  Langsung aja klik disini di sini kliknya . 2. Isi data diri kalian (HARUS ADA STELLARNYA) 3. Setelah itu kalian akan di tujukan pada game, isi captha dan mainkan gamenya untuk mendapatkan stellar 

Simple Ways to Make a Book Flip On Your Website or Blog

Simple Ways to Make a Book Flip On Your Website or Blog - Usually, there are some people want to make a variant of related article on the website or blog. 1.  Login on your Blog 2. Design / Add Gadgets 3. Select HTML / JavaScript 4. Copy and paste the code below : <script type="text/javascript">  // 7 variables to control behavior  var Book_Image_Width    =140;  var Book_Image_Height   =225;  var Book_Border         =true;  var Book_Border_Color   ="gray";  var Book_Speed          =15;  var Book_NextPage_Delay =1500; //1 second=1000  var Book_Vertical_Turn  =0;  // variables for content  var random_posts        = true; // random posts  var numposts_gal        = 10;   // number of posts  </script>  <sc...

13 Tempat Objek Wisata Di Kerinci Jambi

1. Gunung Kerinci Gunung Kerinci merupakan gunung berapi yang tertinggi di Indonesia dengan ketinggian 3800m dpi dan masih dalam keadaan aktif. Pemandangan dari puncak Gunung Kerinci sangat memukau, kita bisa melihat danau kerinci dan danau situjuh yang berada diatas puncak bukit situjuh, serta dibagian selatan terlihat Lubuk Gadang dan Muara Labuh. Sementara diarah barat terlihat Samudera Hindia yang sangat indah. Pada areal hutan Gunung Kerinci ini kita masih bisa menjumpai hewan langka yang dilindungi Pemerintah yaitu Harimau Sumatera. Satu hal yang harus diingat, jika anda mendaki Gunung Kerinci ini jangan bermalam atau mendirikan tenda di daerah Selter I atau di daerah yang ketinggiannya dibawah 1500m dpi. Karena daerah tersebut merupakan daerah habitatnya Harimau Sumatera dan tempat mereka berburu mangsa. Usahakan untuk tidak membawa makanan yang berbau anyir atau daging mentah. 2. Perkebunan Teh Kayoe Aro Perkebunan Teh Kayoe Aro dirintis antara tahun 1925 hingga 192...


Pada dasarnya Hacker adalah sebutan untuk orang atau sekelompok orang yang memberikan sumbangan bermanfaat untuk dunia jaringan dan sistem operasi, membuat program bantuan untuk dunia jaringan dan komputer .Hacker juga bisa di kategorikan perkerjaan yang dilakukan untuk mencari kelemahan suatu system dan memberikan ide atau pendapat yang bisa memperbaiki kelemahan system yang di temukannya. Tapi, justru banyak hacker yang menggunakan program jaringan buatan mereka untuk berbuat hal yang negatif, misalnya mencuri password akun, membobol kunci keamanan suatu situs, dan lain-lain. Dan bahkan sekarang, image hacker dimata umum justru dipandang sebagai seorang kriminal di dalam dunia cyber. Dan memang tak dapat disangkal bahwa otak para hacker memang encer-encer. Apalagi di jaman sekarang ini, makin banyak hacker yang saling bersaing untuk menjadi yang terbaik Berikut adalah  Hacker Terbaik Dunia 1. Jim Geovedi Jim Geovedi Indonesia memiliki sosok hacker yang memiliki repu...